Texas Slim ( Beef Initiative ) joins Craig to talk about food intelligence and how it motivates him today! “Go shake a rancher’s hand and ask to be educated!” Enjoy! You can help support The Interview with your donations at t...
Official 2022 NFR Arena photographer, Click Thompson, is back to talk about his being selected to document the Super Bowl of Rodeo, the NFR, in Vegas this December. ClickThompson.com You can support this show wit your donatio...
Christopher ‘Click’ Thompson is here! Click is a Pro Rodeo photographer and most recently chosen as the Official Photographer for the 2021 NFSR (National Finals Steer Roping). Check out more at clickthompson.com and on Instag...
Known as "the voice of professional rodeo", Bob Tallman joins Craig Weinberg on the show to talk about Bob's history in rodeo and how he sees the world today. Valuing each moment and cherishing it is part of what makes his co...